The Many Magical Uses of Beeswax

2022-09-27 10:00:00
Summary :Beekeepers often harvest wax in different ways. Mostly, it is a by-product of the honey harvesting process. Once melted and strained, the clean yellow wax strips can be poured in. Below is a list of 20 items you can make with beeswax.

    Beeswax is a wax that has been used throughout human history. This is a very versatile hard wax. Bees produce it from glands under the abdomen. It is excreted in small white flakes and collected by other bees for nest foundation construction. A colony must consume more than 6 pounds of honey/nectar to produce one pound of beeswax.

    Beekeepers often harvest wax in different ways. Mostly, it is a by-product of the honey harvesting process. Once melted and strained, the clean yellow wax strips can be poured in. Below is a list of 20 items you can make with beeswax.

the use of beeswax

Make candles

Picking up candles at the store is much easier than DIY. But the great thing about it is that you can control exactly what's in the candle -- including its scent.

the use of beeswax

Lubricate the wood

Apply beeswax to easy-to-stick sliding glass doors, windows or drawers to restore smooth movement. Beeswax is also an excellent lubricant for oiling very old furniture joints.

Make Your Own Beeswax Wrap

A washable, reusable and compostable product made from cotton, beeswax and some other natural ingredients such as jojoba oil and tree resin.

the use of beeswax

Whip up a batch of carneles

Crispy on the outside and custard on the inside, these French pastries are delicious. Traditionally, special molds are coated with beeswax and butter and then frozen before adding to the batter and baking, which helps give the treats their special shape and crispy appearance.

the use of beeswax

Polished furniture

Add one part beeswax to three parts olive or coconut oil and heat gently over a double boiler until melted. Let it cool and harden, then wipe the wooden furniture lightly with a clean cloth.

the use of beeswax

Make crayons

Combine equal parts beeswax and soap shavings and melt in a double boiler. Once melted, pour into molds, add a few drops of food coloring to each mold to make different shades, and stir until combined. Let the crayons harden (this will take a few hours) and they're ready to use.

the use of beeswax

Make your own lip balm

Because of its ability to lock in moisture throughout the day, beeswax is often used in makeup. This makes it ideal for keeping chapped lips beautiful and hydrated.

the use of beeswax

Conditioning wood cutting board

Melt half a teaspoon of beeswax in a cup of mineral oil and apply to the board with a clean cloth. This mixture also moisturizes and protects other wooden surfaces such as spatulas, spoons and salad bowls.

the use of beeswax

Prevent tools from rusting

Coat your tools with beeswax to keep them from rusting and the elements.

the use of beeswax

Unstick Zippers

If the zipper is particularly stubborn, here's a quick fix—just rub a small dab of beeswax on the zipper teeth.

the use of beeswax

Ukrainian egg decoration

A pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using the batik (batik) method. The word pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, "to write," because the designs are not painted on, but written in beeswax.

the use of beeswax

Cheese waxing

If you make your own cheese, beeswax is the best natural covering for the cheese. If the cheese is wet, you will need to let it dry before applying hot wax. This is to ensure proper sealing as the wax will not stick to wet surfaces. Beeswax is great for sealing because of its low melting point.

the use of beeswax

Envelope seal

You can make a beeswax seal and stick it on the envelopes you're sending. This would be great for invitations to weddings or baby showers.

the use of beeswax

DIY Shoe Polish

Repair boots, shoes, purses and more with this basic shoe polish formula. Mix and heat 2 ounces oil and 1/2 ounce beeswax until the beeswax melts. Remove from heat and stir in 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of paint, adding more for deeper color. Makes ½ cup, about the same as what you would buy at the store. Store in a small jar.

the use of beeswax

Flavor cast iron with beeswax

If you have a set of cast iron skillets that you use regularly, they will need extra care from time to time. Seasoning them is key to their longevity.

the use of beeswax

Beeswax lipstick

If you like to put on lipstick, something with a natural tint, it's no harder than making a lip balm.

the use of beeswax

Hard lotion stick

If your hands (feet or knees!) are prone to dryness and cracking, it's time to try handmade lotion sticks. It's definitely the best substitute for Vaseline - just in case you're looking.

the use of beeswax

Beeswax coating autumn leaves

Paint the colorful leaves with beeswax to preserve them. They look good and smell good.

the use of beeswax

Homemade soap

Beeswax is often added to soap formulations to make the finished soap harder and longer-lasting. It should only make up 2% of your soap recipe.

the use of beeswax

Baby Diaper Rash Cream

It acts as a thickener because it provides a protective barrier to the skin while helping other beneficial ingredients stay on the skin for a greater effect on clearing up the rash.

the use of beeswax

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