How to Harvest Propolis from Bees

2022-06-02 12:00:00
Summary :Beehives produce several useful products such as honey and beeswax. However, some beekeepers invest the time and effort to harvest propolis too. Bee propolis can be used to make tinctures and other holistic products. The beekeeper may sell raw propolis to supply companies this adds another income stream to help offset costs.

How to Scrape Bee Propolis from Equipment

Worker honey bees gather plant resins and bring them back to the hive on their hind legs (pollen baskets).  Bee saliva along with wax, honey, etc is mixed with the resins to create the substance we call propolis.

The exact chemical composition of propolis varies slightly from one location to another due to the different plants used for resin and sap collection.

Bee Propolis  Bee Propolis

  1. Spread a sheet or plastic tarp on the floor to catch the scrapings
  2. Inspect each wooden hive part – looking for sticky propolis
  3. Use your hive tool to gently scrape off the bee glue
  4. Avoid getting wood shavings in the product as much as possible
  5. When finished – gather your tarp and pour propolis bits into a jar
  6. Store in freezer until ready to clean


The demand for propolis is very high. Raw propolis can be sold to several online companies. Do a search for them and make a bit of extra money from your hives.

You can also make your own propolis tinctures, creams etc.- after cleaning and preparing.

Learn how to harvest propolis from bees and add another valuable product from the hive to your apiary.

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