The Characteristics of Electric Uncapping Knife

Summary : Uncappingknife: A tool used to remove the wax cap of the honey spleen. When separating honey, the wax cap of the honey spleen is usually removed to separate the honey on the spleen.

    Bee Keeping Digital Display Electric Heating Honey Uncapping Knife Uncapper Apiculture Beekeeping Equipment Tools Supplies

    Technological advances have had a significant impact on all sectors of the global economy, including beekeeping. In ancient times, in order to collect honey, people really wanted to destroy the hive. This method works, but it is undoubtedly a destructive method for dealing with hives. We should remember that for bees, their main job involves building hives and filling these storage rooms with honey. Therefore, any destruction of the hive means that the bees have to do extra work. Hives are the most valuable resource for beekeeping. With the development of technology, honey can now be extracted through efficient processes including centrifugal force. When it comes to extracting honey, a honey opener comes in handy.

What is honey cutting?

    Uncapping knife: A tool used to remove the wax cap of the honey spleen. When separating honey, the wax cap of the honey spleen is usually removed to separate the honey on the spleen. There are three types of honey cutting knives: simple, steam and electric heat. The knife body is made of stainless steel, about 250mm long, 35~50mm wide, single-edged or double-edged. When the simple honey cutting knife is used, two or three alternately immersed in hot water to heat the knife body to facilitate cutting the wax cover; The steam honey cutting knife body is heavy on the wall to heat the knife body through steam, and the steam generator provides steam when used; The body of the electric honey cutting knife is heavy on the wall, and the electric heating element and the temperature control element are installed inside, and the temperature of the knife body is automatically maintained at 70 ~ 80 ° C when used.

    Opening the lid is a process that involves removing the wax cap from the honeycomb. Automatic cappers are commonly used in large commercial operations. With a turnaround time of up to 600 frames per hour, this is perfect for such a huge business. However, small beekeeping businesses cannot invest in this expensive technology. A handheld electric lid opener or ordinary honey capper is sufficient for small beekeeping operations.

    No matter what technique you use, the beeswax cap should be removed to facilitate the harvesting of honey from the hive. Opening the lid allows the bees to reuse the same cells instead of building new ones. The energy that was originally used to build the new comb will now be used to fill the empty comb.

    Honey opener is an essential tool when it comes to honey picking. As mentioned earlier, you can choose between an automatic capper, an electric knife or a manual knife without electricity. Electric lid openers are the most effective, but they tend to be quite expensive compared to regular knives. However, they are all effective solutions, so you should stick to what you can afford. Those who are just starting out can start with a cheaper option and then move on to an expensive option. The manual lid opener will work well even in cold environments, but if you want to speed up the lid opening process, it's important to dip it in hot water. You can also use two knives at the same time, so that when one knife is cold, you can change one in hot water.

Electric uncapping knifeElectric uncapping knife

Characteristics of electric heating honey cutting knife

  • Stainless steel: The blade body is stamped from 304 stainless steel. Both the blade cover and the blade are welded.
  • Blade: Double-sided blade, easy to remove wax cover.
  • Digital temperature: the temperature can reach 50-180 ° C, the heating is fast, and the cleaning is convenient.
  • Efficiency: After powering on, the blade begins to heat. Great job. Slide along the outer edge of the frame and make a nice incision. It removes wax more effectively and saves you time and effort.

Electric uncapping knifeElectric uncapping knife

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